Read “multipolar spin” article Southern Poverty Law Center unpublished to protect Kremlin stooge Max Blumenthal

The extreme-left kooks at the Southern Poverty Law Center abruptly deleted an article from their website a few days ago after extreme-left kook Max Blumenthal complained about its content. I find communist intramural squabbling both fun and fascinating, so naturally … Continue reading Read “multipolar spin” article Southern Poverty Law Center unpublished to protect Kremlin stooge Max Blumenthal

Salon: Mouthpiece of the Racist Left

My article from the August 14, 2015 issue of FrontPageMag:   Salon: Mouthpiece of the Racist Left By Matthew Vadum The racist Left has found a home at the radical commentary website, Salon, which routinely and viciously attacks conservatives and other patriotic Americans for their beliefs while promoting racist causes like the Black Lives Matter movement. Salon is the voice of the violent mob in the street; at times it makes the small-c communist Nation magazine seem like a bastion of common sense. Its contributors claim white people, especially conservatives, emerge from the womb hating black people. To reinforce this ugly lie, … Continue reading Salon: Mouthpiece of the Racist Left