Sabotaging immigration enforcement? George Soros has an app for that. But Rep. Steve King has a different idea

The Left is promoting a new smartphone app called “Notifica” that helps illegal aliens to continue violating America’s immigration laws and allows them to keep their lawbreaking colleagues out of the hands of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials … Continue reading Sabotaging immigration enforcement? George Soros has an app for that. But Rep. Steve King has a different idea

Tommy Robinson, political prisoner: A corrupt British court system silences a righteous whistleblower

[Editor’s note: To help Tommy, visit his website,, and also go to Rebel Media, which has nobly taken up his cause.] One of Britain’s most prominent human rights activists is being held as a political prisoner for reporting on a brutal … Continue reading Tommy Robinson, political prisoner: A corrupt British court system silences a righteous whistleblower

Radical dems rising: There weren’t too many moderates left in the party anyway

Radical in-your-face left-wing candidates are gaining new electoral momentum in the already radical Democratic Party. As Townhall’s Matt Vespa opines, far-left candidates have been making “a meal of the establishment, knocking off the more centrist candidates in primaries across the country.” … Continue reading Radical dems rising: There weren’t too many moderates left in the party anyway

Spies like Obama? The treachery of “Crossfire Hurricane” comes into the light

On Sunday a justifiably outraged President Trump called for the former Obama administration to be investigated for its unprecedented and profoundly un-American spying and sabotage operation against the 2016 Trump campaign. “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, … Continue reading Spies like Obama? The treachery of “Crossfire Hurricane” comes into the light

Antifa show trial: At the University of Texas, the reeducation of a deviationist continues

An Antifa group took its call for “revolutionary violence” against the University of Texas at Austin’s Robert L. Reece to the next level by scheduling a Maoist-style campus show trial for the academic based on thinly-sourced sex abuse allegations from an … Continue reading Antifa show trial: At the University of Texas, the reeducation of a deviationist continues

Michael Avenatti, the Deep State tool: Don’t even think about investigating me, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer warns Daily Caller reporters

Trump antagonist and left-wing character assassin Michael Avenatti, whom Tucker Carlson has taken to calling “that creepy porn lawyer,” is threating to sue journalists for a conservative-leaning media outlet for defamation for daring to report on the attorney’s highly questionable … Continue reading Michael Avenatti, the Deep State tool: Don’t even think about investigating me, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer warns Daily Caller reporters

Soros buying San Diego DA race: Just another day in the radical transformation of America

Leftist billionaire George Soros is injecting big money into a San Diego district attorney race as part of his larger effort to install extremist prosecutors across America who will refuse to enforce inconvenient laws that liberals and progressives don’t like. … Continue reading Soros buying San Diego DA race: Just another day in the radical transformation of America

Judge calls out Mueller for witch hunt: Paul Manafort may not be convicted after all

A federal trial judge’s merciless thrashing of lawyers for out-of-control Special Counsel Robert Mueller prosecuting Paul Manafort suggests that the former Trump campaign manager’s conviction on unrelated bank fraud charges may not be the foregone conclusion the media keeps telling … Continue reading Judge calls out Mueller for witch hunt: Paul Manafort may not be convicted after all

Michael Cohen’s phones were monitored: More fake news from NBC News fans the flames of leftist Trump-hate

An error-strewn report by NBC News that out-of-control Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators placed a wiretap on the telephone lines of President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen set off a firestorm in the nation’s capital and on cable news network … Continue reading Michael Cohen’s phones were monitored: More fake news from NBC News fans the flames of leftist Trump-hate

Southern Poverty Law Center now has half a billion dollars to attack conservatives

The Southern Poverty Law Center is stockpiling close to half a billion dollars to blacklist conservatives, slander its critics, and redefine what “hate” means in America today. As the Capital Research Center first reported, the SPLC disclosed in a new IRS … Continue reading Southern Poverty Law Center now has half a billion dollars to attack conservatives