Nathan Phillips, liar: fake Vietnam vet’s backstory falls apart

Unsavory facts have emerged about the obnoxious Indian activist Nathan Phillips who accosted Catholic high schooler Nick Sandmann at the Lincoln Memorial for being a white male Trump supporter.

To recap, Sandmann, is a student from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky, who was in Washington, D.C., Friday after attending this year’s highly successful March for Life which garnered 100,000 or more attendees. Rocked by scandals including the revelation of its leaders’ virulent anti-Semitism, the Women’s March on Saturday in the nation’s capital attracted barely 10,000 attendees.

Sandmann, a white, male, heterosexual, pro-life, Catholic Trump supporter wearing a red pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” baseball cap made an irresistible target for the nation’s howling outrage brigades.

President Trump saluted Sandmann and his classmates and highlighted their ordeal on Twitter:

Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be. They have captivated the attention of the world, and I know they will use it for the good – maybe even to bring people together. It started off unpleasant, but can end in a dream!

The nation’s biggest fake news story to date this year began when a video posted online over the weekend showed Sandmann’s awkward reaction to having his personal space aggressively invaded by a loud left-wing agitator.

The student’s pleasant demeanor was taken by some to be an affront to Phillips.

But because Sandmann is a living embodiment of everything today’s Left’s despises –whites, males, straights, Catholics, and especially Trump supporters— somehow the young man’s remarkably restrained, mature posture turned into a threat to the republic in the minds of leftists.

The showdown between Sandmann and Phillips sparked a massive leftist-led social media meltdown in which the mainstream media and leftists spewed bile at the student and his classmates, including demands that they be murdered.

Jihadist, Jew-hating congresswoman Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (D-Minn.) joined the lynch mob, spreading the provable lie that the pro-life kids chanted “it’s not rape if you enjoy it” and deliberately antagonized black counter-protesters.

Those black demonstrators, from a group called the “Black Hebrew Israelites,” harassed the schoolkids and plenty of other people on the National Mall Friday. They reportedly called the Indians who attended the Indigenous Peoples March “Uncle Tomahawks” and “five dollar Indians.” They called the Covington children “crackers,” “racist bastards,” “little dirty-ass crackers,” and “child-molesting faggots,” according to reports.

Phillips said he agreed with the Black Hebrew Israelites’ name-calling directed at the children.

“The Black Israelites, they were saying some harsh things, but some of it was true, too,” he told the Detroit Free Press.

“These young, white American kids who were being taught in their Catholic school, their doctrine, their truth, and when they found out there’s more truth out there than what they’re being taught, they were offended, they were insulted, they were scared, and that’s how they responded. One thing that I was taught in my Marine Corps training is that a scared man will kill you. And that’s what these boys were. They were scared.”

Since the weekend, radical kooks have picketed the kids’ high school in Kentucky which had to be shut down after students there were besieged with death threats by leftist crazies from across the country.

But many leftists and even plenty of conservatives have been slow to back away from the fake news story that Sandmann somehow insulted or harassed Phillips.

Video after video shows Phillips getting too close for comfort to Sandmann who at times stared back at him or grinned. Phillips, despite the claims of many desperate souls on Twitter who are now splitting hairs in the hope of backing up their initial claim that Sandmann was the thug in the situation, is unquestionably the aggressor in the encounter.

The videos of varying durations that surfaced of the encounter all show the same thing. Sandmann simply stood there stoically and took the abuse, which consisted in part of having a drum pounded loudly in his face, from Phillips without responding. Phillips lied to reporters about the incident and called the high school kids “beasts” and urged they be expelled from their school. He also said, “It was racism. It was hatred. It was scary.”

Phillips’s recollection of Friday’s events has been totally discredited by video footage.

Phillips claimed the schoolchildren chanted “build the wall” as some kind of a racist insult but it never happened according to video footage. If anything, Sandmann showed a super-human kind of restraint in the face of Phillips’s sonic assault on his person.

The media-invented image of Phillips as an idealistic truth-teller has also been rapidly disintegrating since the weekend.

After being conned by Phillips, the Washington Post was forced to walk back claims that the activist was a Vietnam War veteran.

“Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War,” the correction began. “Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam.”

Although the Left despises soldiers, especially those who serve the United States, Phillips’s purported status as a Vietnam vet was viewed as a strong selling point that helped to establish his credibility. But the claim, like more or less everything about Phillips, ended up being nonsense.

During his time in the Marine Corps, Phillips wasn’t a model soldier. He was reportedly AWOL (absent without leave) three times.

Phillips apparently has been an activist, particularly an anti-pipeline protester, for some time. The often-unreliable website Heavy describes him as “director of the non-profit Native Youth Alliance founded in 1990.”

Although Phillips has self-servingly described himself as a peacemaker, he has refused an invitation to meet with the young men of Covington Catholic High School who were at the Lincoln Memorial and whom he has said should be expelled, the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

On Monday someone “offered to fly Phillips first class to have dinner with the CovCath students at one of his high-end restaurants,” according to the newspaper.

“It’s not the right time,” Phillips said. “I might consider it at some point. There’d have to be certain assurances in place, give and take, and understanding.”

Phillips called Sandmann a liar, saying he “needs to put out a different statement.”

“I’m disappointed with his statement. He didn’t accept any responsibility. That lack of responsibility, I don’t accept it. … He stole my narrative. From the time I hit that first beat of the drum until I hit the last beat, I was in prayer. Now all of a sudden, he’s the prayer guy and the passive one.”

Chanting and banging on ceremonial drums, Phillips and a group of 20 Indian rights activists reportedly attempted to disrupt an evening mass Saturday at Washington, D.C.’s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

About 60 supporters reportedly held vigil outside the shrine at the time. One of the supporters said the mob gathered there to hold the Catholic Church “accountable” for whatever it was the Covington students did and for the “colonial violence that the Catholic Church reproduces every day,” according to video footage.

“It was really upsetting,” a security guard who witnessed the mayhem inside the shrine told Catholic News Agency.

“We had hundreds and hundreds of people from all over the country come here to celebrate life, to celebrate each other together. That a protest tried to come inside during Mass was really the worst.”

The guard said the situation was “tense.”

“I’m just really grateful that nothing too bad happened, they were really angry.”

Phillips is no peacemaker.

This article by Matthew Vadum originally appeared Jan. 24, 2019, at FrontPageMag.