Radical teachers are trying to turn the young against Thanksgiving

News Analysis Left-wing teachers across America are reportedly “unlearning,” or indoctrinating, students against Thanksgiving. They’re teaching that the roast turkey-filled holiday they celebrate every year, recalling inspirational stories from the early days of the nation, is based on a feel-good “myth.” Instead of … Continue reading Radical teachers are trying to turn the young against Thanksgiving

Supreme Court asked to uphold convictions in NJ ‘Bridgegate’ case

The Trump administration has asked the Supreme Court to sustain the convictions of two former members of then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s inner circle. Attorneys for the two claim they were engaged in routine “bare-knuckle” political behavior when they participated in the “Bridgegate” … Continue reading Supreme Court asked to uphold convictions in NJ ‘Bridgegate’ case

Trump NSC staffer sues Politico in $25 million libel lawsuit: Kashyap Patel denies Politico’s claim he fed Ukraine info to Trump

A senior member of President Donald Trump’s National Security Council (NSC) has filed a $25 million lawsuit in Virginia state court, accusing the popular media outlet Politico of intentionally publishing false statements about him to undermine his credibility and ability … Continue reading Trump NSC staffer sues Politico in $25 million libel lawsuit: Kashyap Patel denies Politico’s claim he fed Ukraine info to Trump

Barr criticizes ‘incendiary’ idea of ‘resistance,’ defends Trump’s use of executive power

U.S. Attorney General William Barr passionately inveighed against the left-wing anti-Trump “resistance” movement that is “using every tool and maneuver to sabotage” the Trump administration while systematically “shredding” norms and undermining the rule of law, in a speech to lawyers … Continue reading Barr criticizes ‘incendiary’ idea of ‘resistance,’ defends Trump’s use of executive power

DACA from right and left: political corruption or human decency?

News Analysis WASHINGTON—The Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which for seven years has shielded from deportation about 700,000 individuals brought to the United States as minors, has become a flashpoint in American politics. The highly controversial program … Continue reading DACA from right and left: political corruption or human decency?

Supreme Court considers whether parents of foreign national killed by Border Patrol outside US can seek damages

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court considered for the second time whether the parents of a foreigner killed outside the country—in this case, in Mexico—by a U.S. law enforcement officer can pursue a claim for damages against the officer. During oral arguments this week, some … Continue reading Supreme Court considers whether parents of foreign national killed by Border Patrol outside US can seek damages

Professor resigns over Columbia University’s trend toward communism

A Romanian-born professor who fled communism in his homeland said he recently abandoned his tenured post at Columbia University because various incidents convinced him the prestigious school is “on its way toward full-blown communism.” Andrei Serban, an award-winning film director with an extensive list … Continue reading Professor resigns over Columbia University’s trend toward communism