Preparations made to appeal judge’s ruling approving Harvard’s discriminatory admissions policies

A conservative civil rights group plans to lend its expertise to the legal fight to overturn a federal judge’s ruling that Harvard University’s policy of discriminating against Asian Americans in favor of whites in the undergraduate admissions process is legally sound. The … Continue reading Preparations made to appeal judge’s ruling approving Harvard’s discriminatory admissions policies

Federal judge denies rights of conscience to health care providers

An Obama-appointed federal judge in Manhattan struck down as unconstitutional a Trump administration rule preventing federally funded health care providers from being forced to participate in abortions and other activities that violate their conscience. U.S. District Judge Paul A. Engelmayer of the … Continue reading Federal judge denies rights of conscience to health care providers

IBM employees ask Supreme Court to hold pension managers liable for loss

WASHINGTON—A lawyer for IBM employees who invested in company stock told the Supreme Court Nov. 6 that the employees should be able to sue managers of the company’s retirement fund in stock-drop litigation for not disclosing that the company’s microelectronics business was overvalued. The … Continue reading IBM employees ask Supreme Court to hold pension managers liable for loss

Supreme Court seems open to limiting federal regulation of water pollution

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court seemed inclined during oral arguments Nov. 6 in a dispute over wastewater disposal in Hawaii to reverse new powers to regulate pollution granted in a recent court decision, and also appeared open to reining in some of the regulatory … Continue reading Supreme Court seems open to limiting federal regulation of water pollution

Supreme Court considers whether criminal lawful permanent resident can avoid deportation

WASHINGTON—The lawyer for a lawful U.S. permanent resident told the Supreme Court on Nov. 4 that the hard-to-interpret wording of a federal immigration statute doesn’t allow the government to deport the man, even though in later years he was convicted of serious … Continue reading Supreme Court considers whether criminal lawful permanent resident can avoid deportation

Georgia legislator seeks to prohibit sex-reassignment surgery on minors

A state lawmaker in Georgia wants to make it a felony for medical doctors to perform sex-reassignment surgery on minor children, including vasectomy, castration, mastectomy, and other varieties of genital mutilation, and forbid the prescription of puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex … Continue reading Georgia legislator seeks to prohibit sex-reassignment surgery on minors