ACORN Housing Finally in Foreclosure

My Front Page Magazine article from July 3: ACORN Housing Finally in Foreclosure By Matthew Vadum The largest branch of ACORN – ACORN Housing Corp.— has finally kicked the bucket despite cash injections from the Obama administration. Like a con artist trying to escape his past, ACORN Housing legally changed its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) two years ago after the devastating “pimp and pro” videos surfaced in 2009. In those undercover videos created by conservative activists James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles ACORN and ACORN Housing employees were shown offering helpful advice on setting up a brothel … Continue reading ACORN Housing Finally in Foreclosure

Strange: ACORN Housing may be closed but it hasn’t filed for bankruptcy

This is odd. ACORN Housing Corporation, which changed its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA), has closed its doors. Yet there is no record of AHCOA filing a bankruptcy petition or being petitioned into bankruptcy, according to the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) database. None. And as of June 30, 2010, AHCOA was in the red by almost $2.5 million according to its most recent publicly available tax return (IRS Form 990). I know AHCOA shut down because i) a very reliable source within the progressive movement told me so ii) its Twitter feed hasn’t been updated in close to a year … Continue reading Strange: ACORN Housing may be closed but it hasn’t filed for bankruptcy

BREAKING: ACORN Housing is dead!

I have it on good authority that Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) is dead. Until the devastating “pimp and pro” videos surfaced in 2009 that showed ACORN employees offering helpful advice on setting up a brothel for pedophiles, AHCOA’s name was ACORN Housing Corp. AHCOA’s website ( is down. AHCOA’s Twitter feed hasn’t been updated since August of last year. View it here. Despite apparently kicking the bucket some time ago without anyone in the media (myself included) noticing, ACORN Housing has been in the news recently. Earlier this month it was reported that the Obama administration funneled $446 million in taxpayer … Continue reading BREAKING: ACORN Housing is dead!