BREAKING: Taliban-Loving Traitor Bowe Bergdahl FINALLY Charged With Something

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who defected to the Taliban but was freed after President Obama released five members of the terrorist high command, has been charged with desertion and “misbehavior before the enemy.” Dan Lamothe of the Washington Post reports Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Tuesday. Army officials announced they will provide an update in his case at 3:30 p.m. at Fort Bragg, N.C., but declined to discuss new developments ahead of the news conference. Bergdahl, 28, went missing from his base in Paktika province on June … Continue reading BREAKING: Taliban-Loving Traitor Bowe Bergdahl FINALLY Charged With Something

The Lawless Bergdahl Swap

My article from today’s FrontPage magazine: The Lawless Bergdahl Swap By Matthew Vadum Virtually no one in the nation’s capital now doubts that President Obama violated the law when he approved an unconscionable prisoner swap that repatriates an American deserter while freeing five Islamofascist terrorist field commanders. Just throw it on the growing pile of impeachable offenses committed almost daily now by President Obama. In yet another new historical first that paints a bulls-eye on the backs of U.S. citizens and military service members around the globe, Americans learned this week not only that Obama negotiates with Islamofascist terrorists — … Continue reading The Lawless Bergdahl Swap