Food Stamps Fund Left-Wing Media

My article from the Dec. 5, 2013 issue of American Thinker: Food Stamps Fund Left-Wing Media By Matthew Vadum The hippy-fueled magazine Mother Jones that helped torpedo Mitt Romney’s campaign wants your tax dollars to fund its crusade for the radical transformation of American society. Specifically, the extremist, George Soros-funded rag that published the story of Romney’s ill-received “47 percent” comments is counseling its interns to apply for taxpayer-funded food stamps so they can survive their voluntary servitude in ultra-expensive San Francisco.  The locus of latte liberalism where the muckraking publication is headquartered has the highest rents in the nation. In a feature story about how rotten … Continue reading Food Stamps Fund Left-Wing Media

‘Panicked’ Soros Bankrolls Obama Campaign

My article from the October 1, 2012, issue of Front Page Magazine: ‘Panicked’ Soros Bankrolls Obama Campaign By Matthew Vadum George Soros is airdropping bushels of cash to the Obama campaign because the preeminent funder of the Left is reportedly “panicked” that Mitt Romney could win in November and halt America’s ongoing slide into socialist chaos and civil unrest. Soros’s alarm at the prospect of a Romney victory may also have led him to squelch a report in the Soros-funded Mother Jones magazine that revealed his desperate state of mind. “Is there possibly some panic among the liberal elite that the media … Continue reading ‘Panicked’ Soros Bankrolls Obama Campaign