ACORN sues California to allow more illegals to vote: Bill Clinton’s Motor-Voter law has made massive voter fraud possible

Article by Matthew Vadum as published Aug. 29, 2017 at FrontPageMag:   An ACORN offshoot and other left-wing pressure groups are suing California in federal court because the state hasn’t made it easy enough for Democrats to flood voter rolls … Continue reading ACORN sues California to allow more illegals to vote: Bill Clinton’s Motor-Voter law has made massive voter fraud possible

ObamaCare for Illegals

My article from today’s FrontPage magazine: ObamaCare for Illegals By Matthew Vadum The Obama administration and a group run by senior Obama White House veterans are encouraging illegal aliens to enroll in Obamacare at Mexico’s consulates across the United States. Apparently it’s not enough for President Obama to redistribute the wealth of Americans to other Americans. Now he wants to redistribute the wealth of Americans to the Third World. American taxpayers will undoubtedly foot the bill for these illegal immigrants who enroll in Obamacare. This enrollment free-for-all appears to be but one prong of President Obama’s program to undermine America’s … Continue reading ObamaCare for Illegals

ACORN’s goal is to hurt people, not help them

ACORN is a profoundly antisocial organization. It celebrates and promotes the worst pathologies in society in an effort to kill the American experiment in self-governance. The small-c communist organization was created not to help people, but to hurt them. Growing out of the now-defunct National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), ACORN was created to get people to go on welfare. No joke. The group came out of the so-called welfare rights movement led by radical anti-American activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Cloward died in 2001 but Piven still teaches at CUNY and advocates violence as a tool of revolutionary political change. Getting … Continue reading ACORN’s goal is to hurt people, not help them