Lionizing the Enemy

My article from the June 17, 2014 issue of FrontPage magazine Lionizing the Enemy By Matthew Vadum A project is underway to rehabilitate the self-exiled Sixties radical, anti-Semite and “black power” advocate Stokely Carmichael. The opening salvo in this revisionist project of the Afro-centrist Marxist Left in academia is Stokely: A Life, by Peniel E. Joseph, which was recently published by BasicCivitas Books. It is more infomercial than biography, calculated to transform its negligible subject into a towering figure of historic importance, and to whitewash the damage he did. Joseph’s central argument is that Carmichael was a “rock star” activist who … Continue reading Lionizing the Enemy

Unhinged leftists like Tavis Smiley are howling over the budget deal, but are there any actual cuts?

(originally posted at NewsReal) Was the deal Speaker John Boehner made to prevent a federal government shutdown really the best he could get? Who knows, but it’s far from clear if the deal actually involves a net cut in government spending. After promising to slice $100 billion from the federal budget, the GOP capitulated and the final number dropped down to $61 billion… and then down to a mere $39 billion. The fiscal 2011 budget request from President Obama, which was never actually adopted, called for an unprecedented $3.8 trillion in spending. A $39 billion cut, if it really is a cut, … Continue reading Unhinged leftists like Tavis Smiley are howling over the budget deal, but are there any actual cuts?

Economic Terrorism’s Big Comeback

“Economic Terrorism’s Big Comeback” is the name of my latest piece at Front Page Magazine. Here’s the top of it: Radical activist groups associated with President Barack Obama have launched a campaign of economic terrorism and sabotage – possibly with his blessing. Mortgage and student loan strikes, crippling bank boycotts, intimidation, and who knows what else are all on the agenda. The idea of leftists using terrorism to achieve political objectives isn’t new. Leon Trotsky supported the use of terrorism to advance so-called social justice. Decades before an ice-axe found its way into his skull, Trotsky argued in Dictatorship vs. Democracy that Communists who reject … Continue reading Economic Terrorism’s Big Comeback