Pedophiles Weep as Supreme Court Backs Congressional Cutoff of ACORN Funding

The U.S. Supreme Court today denied a petition for review from ACORN, ruling in effect that Congress was absolutely entitled to cut off federal taxpayer funding of ACORN, the depraved radicals who used to employ President Obama. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now had asked the high court to review a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit which found that the funding cutoff was not a “bill of attainder” banned by the Constitution. ACORN had advanced the nonsensical argument that Congress had no power to stop funding the group unless it could prove … Continue reading Pedophiles Weep as Supreme Court Backs Congressional Cutoff of ACORN Funding

Are there ONLY four reasons why Eric Alterman ‘sucks’?

Somebody over at the Nation magazine has thin skin. Worthless pseudointellectual pseudojournalist Eric Alterman didn’t like my blog post calling him out for his lie that ACORN has ceased to exist. In fact, as I pointed out, ACORN’s two largest affiliates (ACORN Housing and Project Vote) continue to operate and ACORN’s state chapters are continuing to do business under new names. In an amusingly titled blog post (“Four Reasons I Suck”) the Nation poseur writes Let me be clear. I do think this Matthew Vadum fellow is an idiot, though the above is all I know about him, so for … Continue reading Are there ONLY four reasons why Eric Alterman ‘sucks’?

Is Amy Goodman one of ACORN’s useful idiots? Nah, she knows exactly what she’s doing.

Like radical fabulist Eric Alterman, small-c communist Amy Goodman is the latest left-wing propagandist to attempt to spread the lie that ACORN was set up by a vast right-wing conspiracy. They claim that the undercover videos showing ACORN employees offering advice on establishing a brothel for pedophiles were doctored. “Democracy Now!” anchor Goodman, who makes a guest appearance in my book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers, claims in a Guardian (UK) column that the criminals of ACORN were set up. “While Acorn was ultimately exonerated by a congressional investigation, the attack took … Continue reading Is Amy Goodman one of ACORN’s useful idiots? Nah, she knows exactly what she’s doing.

ACORN Defender Eric Alterman of George Soros’s Center for American Progress(ivism) Thinks You’re Stupid

One of the left’s most consistently overrated writers, the insufferably elitist propagandist Eric Alterman, is perpetuating the myth that ACORN is dead. As I have proven in my book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers, ACORN is still very much alive. A longtime apologist for ACORN, Alterman writes A quarter of Republicans questioned profess to believe that ACORN is definitely planning to steal the 2012 election while another 32 percent think it might be. These numbers are admittedly lower than the 52 percent who, in 2009, went on record accusing ACORN … Continue reading ACORN Defender Eric Alterman of George Soros’s Center for American Progress(ivism) Thinks You’re Stupid