American Prospect’s Gabriel Arana joins the ACORN ‘Useful Idiot’ Club
The list of ACORN’s defenders in the media continues to grow. Gabriel Arana is the latest useful idiot to join the club. Here’s what this dishonest leftist wrote in a piece concerning Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.): The entire story has all the trappings of a contrived scandal; one cannot but draw a parallel to the James O’Keefe ACORN hullabaloo, in which O’Keefe posed as a pimp seeking advice about his prostitution business and then edited the tape to smear the organization. To be sure, all journalism—on the right as well as the left—tends toward sensationalism, and no doubt part of … Continue reading American Prospect’s Gabriel Arana joins the ACORN ‘Useful Idiot’ Club