Obama’s Defilement of 9/11

My latest article in Front Page Magazine: Obama’s Defilement of 9/11 By Matthew Vadum As the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks approaches, President Obama is again pushing his “National Day of Service” in an effort to pervert the meaning of that terrible day for partisan political purposes. In his weekly address on Aug. 27, Obama urged Americans to do volunteer work this Sept. 11, a day that the administration ought to officially call the “National Day of Ignoring Islamofascism.” The president said Americans should do something to serve their communities on that day “to honor the victims of 9/11 and … Continue reading Obama’s Defilement of 9/11

The green-washing of Sept. 11

ANALYSIS/OPINION: Before he abruptly exited the White House last weekend, former green jobs czar Van Jones used his government position to help the Obama administration cynically green-wash the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Specifically, Mr. Jones helped lead an Obama-approved effort to reshape America’s collective memory of the Sept. 11 atrocities. Eager to keep Mr. Jones in the vanguard of radical change, John Podesta’s Center for American Progress reportedly offered Mr. Jones office space earlier this week to help him get back on his feet. This attempt to re-brand the horrors of Sept. 11 is part of … Continue reading The green-washing of Sept. 11