NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Place

My post from the American Thinker blog today: NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Place By Matthew Vadum There are credible reports that NAACP activists took over a Houston, Texas, polling station, urged voters to vote for the Obama-Biden presidential ticket, and also gave them rewards to do so. Poll watcher Eve Rockford said members of the left-wing so-called civil rights group appeared at the early polling place wearing NAACP-labeled clothing and 50 cases of bottled water.  The activists handed out the water bottles to individuals standing in line waiting to vote.  They were also “stirring the crowd” and “talking to voters … Continue reading NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Place

Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud

The NAACP is trying to outdo ACORN in the realm of voter fraud. While Stephen Colbert was busy mocking Republicans and this writer for daring to think voter fraud is a serious problem, NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers was sitting in jail, sentenced to five years imprisonment for 10 counts of voter fraud. And this wasn’t just voter registration fraud, one of the most common forms of voter fraud. Sowers cast ballots in the names of 10 actual people, four of whom were dead at the time. All is revealed in a just-published article I wrote for The Daily Caller. Of … Continue reading Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud