Oliver Stone’s Bush Derangement Syndrome

From the Feb. 6, 2013 issue of FrontPage Magazine: Oliver Stone’s Bush Derangement Syndrome By Matthew Vadum Editor’s note: The following is the ninth installment of a series of articles Frontpage is running in response to Oliver Stone’s neo-Communist documentary series, “The Untold History of the United States.” Frontpage will be reviewing each episode of the Stone series, exposing the leftist hateful lies about America and setting the record straight. Below is a review of Part 9 of the series. George W. Bush schemed and plotted to become virtually an American emperor long before becoming president in 2001, according to … Continue reading Oliver Stone’s Bush Derangement Syndrome

Oliver Stone’s Untrue History: Stalin the Great Hero of WWII

From the Dec. 20, 2012 issue of FrontPage Magazine: Oliver Stone’s Untrue History: Stalin the Great Hero of WWII By Matthew Vadum Editor’s note: The following is the first installment of a series of articles Frontpage will be running in the days ahead in response to Oliver Stone’s neo-Communist documentary series, “The Untold History of the United States,” currently airing Mondays on Showtime. Frontpage will be reviewing each episode of the Stone series, exposing the leftist hateful lies about America and setting the record straight. Below is a review of Part I of Stone’s series.  America is a soulless, unexceptional … Continue reading Oliver Stone’s Untrue History: Stalin the Great Hero of WWII