The Anti-Democratic Party

Here is my Front Page Magazine article from yesterday: The Anti-Democratic Party By Matthew Vadum America’s Democratic Party lost its enthusiasm for democracy a long time ago. Today’s gubernatorial recall vote in Wisconsin a short time after the most recent general election is just another reminder of how far the party of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson has strayed from its honorable roots. Founded as a reaction against the elitist ways of the we-know-what’s-best-for-you Federalists of the early Republic, the modern Democratic Party can’t stop telling Americans what to do. Democrats are acutely mindful of Joseph Stalin’s aphorism that “The … Continue reading The Anti-Democratic Party

Reds, Reds Everywhere, But Not a Reporter in Sight: The Media Ignores the Communists at Government Union Protests

(originally posted at NewsReal) Is it just my perception or are labor protests nowadays consistently bringing out more communists and various assorted America-haters than they used to? Communists, Marxist-Leninists, Trotskyists, Maoists, and other freaks have always been hangers-on at labor demonstrations but a decade ago they tended not to be a significant portion of the crowd. As I like to say, all political parties and political movements attract kooks, but since Barack Obama became president, the kooks in the labor movement and on the left in general seem to have been multiplying like mogwai in a hot tub. The leftist protests … Continue reading Reds, Reds Everywhere, But Not a Reporter in Sight: The Media Ignores the Communists at Government Union Protests