Soros picks ACORN, SEIU hack Patrick Gaspard to head Open Society Foundations

Leftist meddler extraordinaire George Soros has named President Obama’s far-left ambassador to South Africa, Patrick Gaspard, as acting president of his philanthropic network, the Open Society Foundations (OSF), effective at the end of the year. There is an excellent chance … Continue reading Soros picks ACORN, SEIU hack Patrick Gaspard to head Open Society Foundations

More Democrats convicted of voter fraud

Voter fraud, the crime the Left says doesn’t exist, keeps rearing its ugly head. Four Democrats associated with ACORN’s political party, New York’s Working Families Party, have entered guilty pleas in connection with an illegal scheme in Troy, N.Y. As Eric Shawn of Fox News reports, signatures were forged on absentee ballots in the Working Families Party primary in 2009. The four men to have pleaded guilty are former Troy Democratic City Clerk William McInerney, Democratic Councilman John Brown, and Democratic Party operatives Anthony Renna and Anthony DeFiglio. Voter fraud is both commonplace and standard operating procedure for the Left, as … Continue reading More Democrats convicted of voter fraud

The Face of the Democratic Party

From Front Page Magazine today: The Face of the Democratic Party By Matthew Vadum Salvador Dali would have been comfortable painting a mural of the surreal Occupy Wall Street movement. Supported by billionaire Marxists, mega-rich Hollywood airheads, radical libertarians, indebted students, sexual exhibitionists, malingerers, and professional protesters, the neo-communist “Occupy Wall Street” movement is fast becoming the face of the modern Democratic Party. This is a wonderful thing, says conservative columnist George F. Will. Will said he wants the Occupy Wall Street protests to prosper: I think they do represent the intellectual spirit of the American left, but also I … Continue reading The Face of the Democratic Party

Marxist Mobocracy

My new op-ed in the Washington Times: Marxist mobocracy Let them protest and rage – it lays the groundwork for GOP domination By Matthew Vadum Abraham Lincoln rightly denounced the “mobocratic spirit.” James Madison considered it the sacred duty of government to protect property rights from the violent whims of the mob: “That is not a just government, nor is property secure under it, where the property which a man has in his personal safety and personal liberty, is violated by arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of the rest.” Lincoln and Madison would not have … Continue reading Marxist Mobocracy

Occupy Wall Street’s ACORN Rent-A-Mobs

From today’s Front Page Magazine: Occupy Wall Street’s ACORN Rent-A-Mobs By Matthew Vadum Evidence suggests that ACORN, the Left’s premiere astro-turfing organization, has been paying people to participate in the Occupy Wall Street protests. Astro-turfing campaigns can generate big money, and ACORN’s lucrative protest-for-profit program is nothing new. As I note in my book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers, ACORN has acquired great expertise in manufacturing so-called grassroots protests. Left-wing loan sharks Herb and Marion Sandler, the founders of World Savings Bank, gave ACORN affiliates close to $11 million to manufacture … Continue reading Occupy Wall Street’s ACORN Rent-A-Mobs

ACORN: Puppet Master of Occupy Wall Street

From today’s Front Page Magazine: ACORN: Puppet Master of Occupy Wall Street By Matthew Vadum The Working Families Party, an infamous ACORN front group notorious for corruption, was instrumental in organizing the Occupy Wall Street protests, according to radical journalist Laura Flanders of Free Speech TV. The protests, which have spread to several other large U.S. cities, are part of what ACORN’s neo-communist founder Wade Rathke calls an “anti-banking jihad.” Working Families Party (WFP) organizer Nelini Stamp has “been here since day one and she is part of the organizing team and the outreach team that has managed to bridge … Continue reading ACORN: Puppet Master of Occupy Wall Street