Endorsements of Subversion Inc.

Below are the endorsements as of today, March 30, 2011, of my upcoming book Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers. Further endorsements are, of course, welcome! Here is the list: “Knowing what I know about the ‘zombie armies’ of youth brainwashed by Team Obama, it’s chilling to read Subversion Inc. Eye-opening and shocking, Matthew Vadum warns us of the danger still posed by ACORN.” —Jason Mattera, New York Times bestselling author of Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation “Thanks to Matthew Vadum’s extensive research there is no way liberals will be able to whitewash … Continue reading Endorsements of Subversion Inc.

James Madison Institute Wins Award

Congratulations to the James Madison Institute for winning State Policy Network’s SPNovation Award for its “Celebrate Freedom” High School Curriculum Supplement. (Note: I am a research fellow at the Florida-based think tank.) Here’s the text from the press release that SPN sent out: To help social studies teachers throughout Florida teach founding principles in a meaningful way, The James Madison Institute created a 12-page supplemental curriculum called, “Celebrate Freedom,” in conjunction with the News-in-Education department at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Last September, nearly 60,000 high school students received this special curriculum during “Celebrate Freedom Week” which, in Florida, is the week … Continue reading James Madison Institute Wins Award

Books I’m quoted or cited in (as of Feb. 13, 2011)

I’ve been keeping a running tab of the books that reference my work and/or quote me. Note that authors on the left, such as Arianna Huffington and Center for American Progress visiting fellow Shirley Sagawa, have given my work a vote of confidence by relying on it. And this is just a list of books that reference my work. 🙂 Here is the list as of Feb. 13, 2011: * asterisk indicates New York Times bestseller In reverse chronological order: 25) The New Reagan Revolution: How Ronald Reagan’s Principles Can Restore America’s Greatness Today, by Michael Reagan with Jim Denney, Thomas … Continue reading Books I’m quoted or cited in (as of Feb. 13, 2011)

Race-Baiting Van Jones Buddy Blesses Agitprop Studio With Billionaire Backing

(originally posted at NewsReal) Radical philanthropist George Soros’s billionaire socialists club that wants to turn America into Greece has formally entered the propaganda business. Soros, by the way, has openly embraced Chinese Communism and has been lending moral and financial support to glorifying left-wing terrorist attacks against the United States. A Soros-led group, the secretive Democracy Alliance, which is a donors’ collaborative that brokers funds for groups that want to destroy America as we know it, has started up a new project called New Media Ventures. (Democracy Alliance was created to fund a permanent political infrastructure of nonprot think tanks, media outlets, leadership schools, … Continue reading Race-Baiting Van Jones Buddy Blesses Agitprop Studio With Billionaire Backing

The Left thinks Wisconsin teachers are as bad off as textile workers in 1911!

The left is trying to use the hundredth anniversary of the horrific Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (which happened March 25, 1911) to score political points, according to the esteemed historian Ron Radosh. Radosh writes at Pajamas Media that The real reason is the Left’s hegemonic control of the culture industry in this country. Looking back at Triangle gives them a new opportunity to use the event for one reason—to try and ignite a new movement on behalf of unionization of public sector employees-and to argue that the condition of Wisconsin teachers, let us say, is the equivalent of that of the … Continue reading The Left thinks Wisconsin teachers are as bad off as textile workers in 1911!

George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: See which White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document

Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily has a great piece today. At least three White House advisors and officials, including President Obama’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, have ties to an effort funded by billionaire George Soros to push for a new, “progressive” U.S. Constitution. WND first reported last week that Sunstein’s wife, Samantha Power, has been a champion of a Soros-funded doctrine, entitled “responsibility to protect,” which was used by Obama to justify engaging in an international military alliance to bomb Libya. As the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights, Power reportedly influenced Obama in his decision.Now it has … Continue reading George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: See which White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document

Smearing Patriots Like Pamela Geller Is Just Another Day At The Office At The Southern Poverty Law Center

(originally posted at NewsReal blog) Jeff Dunetz detailed the repulsive, malicious, counterfactual attack on the prolific blogger Pamela Geller by the character assassins at the fundraising firm and phony watchdog group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center. I’ve been studying the megabucks slime factory for years. Among many other things, the SPLC is effectively pro-Islamic terrorism. Why else would it consider the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), upon which it bases its attack on Geller, to be credible and trustworthy? Something’s going on there that neither group is talking about. The SPLC argues that opposition to totalitarian … Continue reading Smearing Patriots Like Pamela Geller Is Just Another Day At The Office At The Southern Poverty Law Center

Rush Limbaugh reads Matthew Vadum’s work on air

An oldie but a goodie. On the June 18, 2009 edition of the “Rush Limbaugh Show” host Rush Limbaugh read aloud from my June 19 blog post at the American Spectator blog. And yes, he did pronounce my surname correctly. The point of the blog post was that radical activist group ACORN and AmeriCorps –which at the time was embroiled in scandal after President Obama fired Gerald Walpin, its inspector general– go way back. Here’s the video clip: Continue reading Rush Limbaugh reads Matthew Vadum’s work on air

Andrew Breitbart: Courts an Instrument of Leftist Thuggery

Audrey Hudson of Human Events quotes me in a new article: Politicians and their supporters use interesting tactics to intimidate and silence their critics, from rumor-mongering to editorial cartoons, even dueling pistols.But the target of a high-profile lawsuit who is also a relentless investigator of the Obama administration says the judicial system is being used to retaliate against him.“The President of the United States has an unprecedented and uncanny desire to silence those who report the truth about him,” says media mogul Andrew Breitbart. […]Exhibit B, Breitbart says, is how the Left used the apparatus of the mainstream media to … Continue reading Andrew Breitbart: Courts an Instrument of Leftist Thuggery

The Left’s Libya Schizophrenia

Up to and during the Iraq War, leftists across America cheered an outspoken lawmaker who characterized the administration’s latest intervention in the Middle East as reckless military adventurism that would backfire on the United States. “Us rushing headlong into a war unilaterally was a mistake and may still be a mistake,” Illinois state senator Barack Obama said in late 2002 as President Bush readied Operation Iraqi Freedom. “What’s our long term commitment there? How much is it going to cost?” “It’s time to admit that no amount of American lives can resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of … Continue reading The Left’s Libya Schizophrenia

Socialist Thom Hartmann never lets reality get in the way of a good narrative

Thom Hartmann, a socialist and 9/11 truther, isn’t exactly an honest guy. I was on his radio show this week and conceded a point to him and he went on as if I hadn’t done so. Listen to the scatterbrained stream-of-consciousness style in which he conducted an interview with me: Or maybe Hartmann isn’t nearly as bright as he thinks he is. Decide for yourself. Continue reading Socialist Thom Hartmann never lets reality get in the way of a good narrative

It’s time to go Galt: Atlas Shrugged movie is a winner

Finally a movie comes along that sticks it to the ruling class that is deliberately and maliciously driving America into the ground. The message of the movie adaptation of Ayn Rand’s 1,200-page opus, Atlas Shrugged, is that the productive should be able to go about their business without being hindered by the nonproductive and the anti-productive mischief makers of government. It is a celebration of the many virtues of capitalism, a topic I editorialized about previously at NewsReal. And it turns out it’s surprisingly good! I saw the movie Wednesday at a special advance screening kindly provided by the Washington, … Continue reading It’s time to go Galt: Atlas Shrugged movie is a winner

Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin a “twat”

On his TV show non-comedian Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a “twat,” Hollie McKay of FoxNews.com reports. Of course the National Organization for Women (NOW) was nowhere to be found. NOW only defends women it agrees with. (I profiled NOW here.) FoxNews.com quotes me on the subject: Matthew Vadum, Senior Editor at the Capital Research Center in Washington DC, said Maher’s insults spotlight hypocrisy in the media.“Bill Maher feels he can get away with such jaw-droppingly offensive verbal attacks on Sarah Palin because virtually the entire media-academia-entertainment complex agrees with him,” Vadum said. “Clinging to their political correctness and disdain … Continue reading Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin a “twat”

Economic Terrorism: Alinskyites, union goons plan downfall of capitalism

Yes, they actually said that according to an audio clip featured at The Blaze. I had this story a year ago. George Goehl of ACORN wannabe group National People’s Action foreshadowed this economic sabotage at a Washington confab last summer put together by the leftist Campaign for America’s Future. I wrote this in the American Spectator: As Congress considers the Democrats’ unprecedented legislative assault on Wall Street, radical leftists say the bad economy gives them new opportunities to push America even farther down the road to socialism. “The banking crisis is the next big thing,” said George Goehl, executive director of … Continue reading Economic Terrorism: Alinskyites, union goons plan downfall of capitalism

Chronicle of Philanthropy weighs in on James O’Keefe’s NPR undercover video sting

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has a new article on the fallout from James O’Keefe’s skillfully engineered undercover video takedown of NPR. Here’s the passage that quotes me: But some conservatives see Mr. O’Keefe and his associates as “folk heroes” for helping to put Acorn out of business, says Matthew Vadum, senior editor at Capital Research Center, a right-leaning philanthropy watchdog. While Acorn helped some people over the years, he says, its leaders followed a leftist philosophy of “attack the system by any means necessary,” he says. (The group often staged confrontational protests against banks and other businesses.) Mr. O’Keefe’s video stings … Continue reading Chronicle of Philanthropy weighs in on James O’Keefe’s NPR undercover video sting

Even in bankruptcy, ACORN is still scamming its members

Although ACORN is in the process of being dissolved in bankruptcy court, the notorious group continues to deduct membership dues from the bank account of Kerry Sheldon of Delaware. The article at FoxNews.com quotes me: Matthew Vadum … said historically ACORN has made it difficult for people to quit their memberships. “People decide they don’t want to be members anymore, but the membership deductions kept going,” he told FoxNews.com. “The question is if they did it intentionally or if it was an honest mistake,” he added. Sheldon said that she made contact with the former ACORN employee who set up her … Continue reading Even in bankruptcy, ACORN is still scamming its members

Wall Street Journal pushes lie that debtors’ prisons have returned to America

Another day, another leftist lie. This time it is an attack on the financial system that left-wing policies crippled over time. The lie is that bankers are conspiring against innocent people and having them rounded up and put in jail. It is complete and utter hogwash motivated by an abiding hostility toward markets. Unfortunately, from time to time conservatives need to be reminded that apart from its op-ed pages the Wall Street Journal is not a conservative newspaper. Not even close. Take this drivel by Jessica Silver-Greenberg whose virtually fact-free hit piece suggests that debtors’ prisons have returned to America. … Continue reading Wall Street Journal pushes lie that debtors’ prisons have returned to America