It’s Time to Go Galt: Atlas Shrugged Movie is a Winner

(originally posted at NewsReal) Finally a movie comes along that sticks it to the ruling class that is deliberately and maliciously driving America into the ground. The message of the movie adaptation of Ayn Rand’s 1,200-page opus, Atlas Shrugged, is that the productive should be able to go about their business without being hindered by the nonproductive and the anti-productive mischief makers of government. It is a celebration of the many virtues of capitalism, a topic I editorialized about previously atNewsReal. And it turns out it’s surprisingly good! I saw the movie at a special advance screening kindly provided by the Washington, … Continue reading It’s Time to Go Galt: Atlas Shrugged Movie is a Winner

ACORN Housing bragged about destroying the housing market

Twelve years ago many Democrats* and Republicans still thought lowering borrowing standards in order to help poor, uncreditworthy people play Russian roulette with home values was a wonderful idea. In 1999 ACORN even bragged about helping to kill reasonable underwriting standards by strong-arming banks into counting welfare benefits such as food stamps as income. No money? No job? No problem! ACORN Housing Corp. produced a brochure, “To Each Their Home: Success Stories from the ACORN Housing Corporation,” to highlight the group’s antisocial activities. “To each their home.” Hmmm. What does that sound like? Oh yeah, I remember now. From each … Continue reading ACORN Housing bragged about destroying the housing market

Matthew Vadum on the O’Reilly Factor

How time flies. This is the video clip from my first appearance on the “O’Reilly Factor” back in 2007. I was talking to Bill O’Reilly about Code Pink, Cindy Sheehan, and Medea Benjamin. Code Pink is not only an antiwar group, it is firmly in the anti-American camp aligning itself with the relentless brutal Communist dictatorships of North Korea and Cuba. Here is the video: Continue reading Matthew Vadum on the O’Reilly Factor

Radical Thom Hartmann accuses Matthew Vadum of trying to bring back debtors’ prisons — or something

Two weeks ago I was on Thom Hartmann’s radio show. Hartmann is essentially a communist in ideological terms. He’s a member of the misnamed Democratic Socialists of America (other notable members: Noam Chomsky, Frances Fox Piven) and a proud 9/11 “truther.” Hartmann thinks corporations pick through your garbage late at night or have installed mind control microchips in your dental work, or something. Hartmann read an article of mine and somehow got it in his head that I favor debtors’ prisons. Here’s a video of the interview that Hartmann streamed from his website (hats off to you if you can … Continue reading Radical Thom Hartmann accuses Matthew Vadum of trying to bring back debtors’ prisons — or something

Unhinged leftists like Tavis Smiley are howling over the budget deal, but are there any actual cuts?

(originally posted at NewsReal) Was the deal Speaker John Boehner made to prevent a federal government shutdown really the best he could get? Who knows, but it’s far from clear if the deal actually involves a net cut in government spending. After promising to slice $100 billion from the federal budget, the GOP capitulated and the final number dropped down to $61 billion… and then down to a mere $39 billion. The fiscal 2011 budget request from President Obama, which was never actually adopted, called for an unprecedented $3.8 trillion in spending. A $39 billion cut, if it really is a cut, … Continue reading Unhinged leftists like Tavis Smiley are howling over the budget deal, but are there any actual cuts?

New photos posted at Subversion Inc. page on Facebook

I put up some photos of people associated with ACORN on the Facebook page for my book Subversion Inc. Among them are ACORN funder George Soros, ACORN funders Herb and Marion Sandler, ACORN founder and destroyer Wade Rathke, ACORN chief organizer Bertha Lewis, ACORN supporters Bill Ayers and Noam Chomsky, and ACORN supporter and racist traitor Van Jones. Continue reading New photos posted at Subversion Inc. page on Facebook

Son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Admits One Parent’s Guilt

Ron Radosh, who figures prominently in my upcoming book Subversion Inc., has an eye-opening piece up at Pajamas Media. Here’s the top of it: In an interview with New York Times reporter Sam Roberts, Robert Meeropol, the younger son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, admitted on Wednesday that “his father deserved to have been convicted of the legal charges that led to his parents’ execution. ‘Yes, he was guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage,’”Meeropol told him.After decades of denial, and insistence that his father was framed up and was innocent, Robert Meeropol for the first time has admitted that his father — but not … Continue reading Son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Admits One Parent’s Guilt

The Smallness of Saul (Alinsky), a book review

(this article by Matthew Vadum was originally published in the October 2010 issue of the American Spectator) Radical: A Portrait of Saul Alinsky By Nicholas von Hoffman(Nation Books, 214 pages, $26.95) “Although Alinsky is described as some kind of liberal left-winger in actuality big government worried him,” writes Saul Alinsky protégé Nicholas von Hoffman in his gossamer memoir,Radical: A Portrait of Saul Alinsky. “He feared the gigantism of government, corporation and even labor union.” Von Hoffman is trying to recast Alinsky as a government-fearing libertarian in order to make his communistic beliefs more marketable. It’s a project doomed to failure. … Continue reading The Smallness of Saul (Alinsky), a book review

DNC-Sponsored Mob Violence Possible: ACORN, Obama Behind Plan To Dump Garbage On Speaker Boehner’s Home?

(originally posted at NewsReal) The Democratic Party is officially encouraging supporters to go to Speaker John Boehner’s house and dump garbage on his lawn in order to intimidate him into rubber-stamping President Obama’s destructive spending spree. Such protests can easily turn violent, especially with the tense, hyper-partisan atmosphere on Capitol Hill right now. Is it a coincidence that not long after longtime ACORN operative Patrick Gaspard took over as executive director of the Democratic National Committee the DNC is planning destructive ACORN-like protests?  Not bloody likely. As chief of the DNC’s day-to-day operations, Gaspard runs Organizing for America, the Saul Alinsky-inspired organization created to wage war on American democracy. … Continue reading DNC-Sponsored Mob Violence Possible: ACORN, Obama Behind Plan To Dump Garbage On Speaker Boehner’s Home?

ACORN convicted of voter fraud in Nevada

For the first time ever ACORN has been convicted in a conspiracy to commit massive voter fraud. Voter fraud, sometimes called electoral fraud, is a blanket term encompassing a host of election-related improprieties. In this case the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now pleaded guilty this week in Las Vegas to felony compensation for registration of voters. Sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 10. ACORN executives conspired to provide cash bonuses to voter registration canvassers. Nevada law forbids such practices because they give canvassers an incentive to file fraudulent registrations. The ACORN executives previously convicted and sentenced in the conspiracy are … Continue reading ACORN convicted of voter fraud in Nevada

American Hero and Badass for Liberty Glenn Beck to End Fox TV Show

(originally posted at NewsReal) The man who ignited grassroots opposition to the hideously un-American Big Government policies of President Barack Obama when virtually no one else cared will end his highly rated show on Fox News Channel in December. Glenn Beck and Fox News Channel announced Wednesday they had agreed to let their contract run out. “Glenn intends to transition off his daily program, the third highest rated in all of cable news, later this year,” they said in a joint release. America owes a debt of gratitude to Glenn Beck. Whatever his foibles, in the dark days of early … Continue reading American Hero and Badass for Liberty Glenn Beck to End Fox TV Show

Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-Crazytown)

I have long maintained that the District of Columbia’s nonvoting delegate in the House of Representatives, Eleanor Holmes Norton, is a few fries short of a Happy Meal. She’s buddies with racist agitator Al Sharpton and has long been a member of the kooky (and misnamed) Congressional Progressive Caucus, which is tied to America’s largest Marxist group, Democratic Socialists of America. Yet more proof has surfaced. The Hill is reporting Del. Norton is very unhappy about the congressional fight over the budget, which has the effect of holding up the District’s budget. “District residents are being treated as colonists of the … Continue reading Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-Crazytown)

Community organizers LOVE getting arrested!

Community organizers LOVE getting arrested! Really, they do. Both Saul Alinsky and ACORN founder Wade Rathke have said that getting arrested is a great way to advance the cause. In this photo longtime community organizer and ACORN funder Donna Edwards, now a Democratic congresswoman representing Maryland, gets arrested at a Darfur protest somewhere. Read all about the sheer joy Alinskyites derive from getting the handcuffs slapped on them in my book Subversion Inc. Continue reading Community organizers LOVE getting arrested!

Books I’m quoted or cited in (as of April 6, 2011)

I’ve been keeping a running tab of the books that reference my work and/or quote me. Note that authors on the left, such as Arianna Huffington and Center for American Progress visiting fellow Shirley Sagawa, have given my work a vote of confidence by relying on it. And this is just a list of books that reference my work. 🙂 Here is the list as of April 6, 2011: * asterisk indicates New York Times bestseller In reverse chronological order: 28) The New Reagan Revolution: How Ronald Reagan’s Principles Can Restore America’s Greatness Today, by Michael Reagan with Jim Denney, Thomas Dunne Books, 2011, 340n17. 27) Death … Continue reading Books I’m quoted or cited in (as of April 6, 2011)

Eric Holder thinks conservatives are scum

Nasty, petulant, condescending, and hateful: that about sums up President Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder. A whining Holder just announced that Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four 9/11 co-conspirators will not be tried in a civilian court in New York City. Instead they will be tried before military commissions. Good. Better late than never. It’s worth noting that Holder thinks conservatives are scum. Continue reading Eric Holder thinks conservatives are scum

Obama as Lenin

Parody can be fun. The head of V.I. Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union, has been replaced here with that of President Obama. Sure, it’s hyperbole, but ask yourself: How much of an exaggeration is it? Has any other American president nationalized industry after industry? Has any other American president thumbed his nose at the rule of law to the extent he has? Has any other American president harbored as much contempt for the Constitution of the United States as he has? Continue reading Obama as Lenin

Being attacked by Daily Kos isn’t a bad thing

Being attacked by the hyperactive bloggers of Daily Kos isn’t a bad thing; being praised should make a person re-evaluate his life. The cowardly anonymous blogger “Mark” at News Corpse criticizes me for pointing out the lowbrow tactics of the Left. The comments section is unintentionally hilarious. I probably should not engage in time-wasting Twitter fights with these people but when they smear everyone to the right of Walter Mondale, it’s too hard to pass up. Continue reading Being attacked by Daily Kos isn’t a bad thing