My article from today’s Front Page Magazine:
George Soros is once again putting his money where his mouth is.
News of the trust fund tidal wave comes after the Soros-funded Democracy Alliance opted to drown Democrats and President Obama’s re-election campaign in an ocean of cash this year. The ultra-secretive group, founded in 2005, is a financial clearinghouse that recommends to its wealthy members projects and groups that aspire to dismantle America as we know it, transforming the nation into a European-style socialist state. The group has directed untold hundreds of millions of dollars to left-of-center causes.
Soros, a currency speculator and convicted inside-trader, is a practiced hand-wringer who frequently tells gullible reporters he is getting out of electoral politics altogether. This is his mantra between elections even though he never actually follows through on the threat.
The preeminent funder of the Left in the United States, Soros openly favors the collapse of the greenback and the decline of America in general. He has said European-style socialism “is exactly what we need now.” He praises Communist China effusively, saying the brutal totalitarian nation has “a better-functioning government than the United States.”
Soros and his billionaire buddies are going to give a king’s ransom to organizations that focus on grassroots organizing, vote manufacturing, and getting welfare recipients and illegal immigrants to the polls so they can vote themselves more taxpayer-funded benefits. The donors plan to take this approach because they are wary of competing directly with pro-Republican “super PACs,” which are independent political action committees without contribution limits. These left-wing fat cats dislike the Supreme Court’s freedom-affirming Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision that opened the door to unlimited campaign expenditures, the New York Times reports.
But the ever pragmatic Democracy Alliance founder Rob Stein acknowledged that “[s]uper PACs are critically important.” The invitation-only club is meeting this week in Florida for one of its regular get-togethers at which members vote on which groups to bankroll.
Left-wingers think that local efforts and outreach to voters using Internet-based social media such as Facebook “can have an enormous impact in battleground states in 2012,” added Stein, a longtime Democratic operative.
Soros is expected to fork over $1 million to America Votes. The organization says it has “built a permanent advocacy and campaign infrastructure that provides coordination, data and targeting services” to “over 300 state and national partner organizations to advance progressive policies, expand access to the ballot, coordinate issue advocacy and election campaigns, and protect every American’s right to vote.”
Soros is also expected to give $1 million to American Bridge 21st Century, a sleazy super PAC that focuses on assassinating the character of Republicans. The political action committee is run by the acutely paranoid, emotionally unstable David Brock, a gossip columnist who founded the hyper-partisan fake media watchdog group, Media Matters for America.
Soros spokesman Michael Vachon did his best to rationalize his boss’s behavior.
“George Soros believes the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates to special interests’ paying for political ads,” Vachon said. “There is no way those concerned with the public interest can compete with them. Soros has always focused his political giving on grassroots organizing and holding conservatives accountable for the flawed policies they promote. His support of these groups is consistent with those views.”
Even before the announcement Soros had begun doling out funds for Democrats. In the 2012 election cycle he has given at least $203,500 –for him a modest sum– though that number promises to rise exponentially.
Soros has given $75,000 to House Majority PAC and $100,000 to Majority PAC. House Majority PAC said it plans to spend $340,000 on the June 12 special election to replace former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.). Giffords aide Ron Barber, a Democrat, is running against Republican Jesse Kelly to complete the unexpired portion of Giffords’s term.
Media moguls giving money to the two similar super PACs include Hollywood producer and playboy Stephen L. Bing ($250,000), Fred Eychaner ($250,000), Anne Cox Chambers ($100,000), Win McCormack ($100,000), and Rob (Meathead to “All in the Family” fans) Reiner ($5,000).
Soros has donated to Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate including Ohio incumbent Sherrod Brown ($2,000), Rhode Island incumbent Sheldon Whitehouse ($1,000), Washington incumbent Maria Cantwell ($5,000), and purported Cherokee squaw Elizabeth Warren ($2,500) of Massachusetts. Warren is using Soros’s wampum to challenge popular Republican incumbent Scott Brown.
Soros has donated to the House campaigns of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California ($5,000), Nita M. Lowey of New York ($5,000), Howard L. Berman of California ($2,500), and ACORN puppet Hakeem Jeffries ($500), a New York Assemblyman.
Soros has also donated to the leadership PACs of Nancy Pelosi (PAC to the Future, $5,000) and John Kerry (Campaign for Our Country, $5,000).
In the current cycle American Bridge 21st Century has received donations from several Democracy Alliance members including philanthropist Stephen M. Silberstein ($200,000), Adaptive Analytics owner Paul R. Rudd ($50,000), clothier Susie Buell ($200,000), Massachusetts philanthropist Barbara Lee ($100,000), former Google software developer David Des Jardins ($200,000), investor Judith Avery ($25,000), and Taco Bell heir Robert McKay ($50,000).
Although Progressive Insurance founder Peter B. Lewis, a close friend of Soros, reportedly quit the Democracy Alliance in a disagreement over strategy, he still gave the super PAC $200,000.
American Bridge has also received funding from Hollywood producer J.J. Abrams of “Lost” fame ($37,500), oil company president Lee Fikes ($150,000), Stephen L. Bing ($150,000), publisher Win McCormack ($125,000), art historian Agnes Gund ($200,000), and Henry S. Wallace ($50,000) who is the grandson of Franklin Roosevelt’s Communist-loving vice president, Henry A. Wallace.
But not all has been going well for Soros.
“Spooky Dude,” as Glenn Beck calls him, suffered a major setback in his quest to make America a full-blown socialist country when the left-wing Secretary of State Project apparently withered away after a disastrous 2010 election cycle.
The Soros-funded “527” political committee that could accept unlimited financial contributions was formed solely to rig elections for Democrats. In most states the secretary of state is the chief elections officer, so the group aimed to install left-wingers in the often-overlooked but critically important office in order to manipulate the electoral process.
Of course Soros may not need the group’s help to steal elections now that Attorney General Eric Holder is bending over backwards to halt all efforts to ensure ballot box integrity. The Justice Department has blocked several states’ new voter ID laws and is discouraging investigations of voter fraud across the nation.
This creates mischief-making opportunities for other groups. Perhaps it’s time for the New Black Panther Party to hit Soros up for some cash.