Would-be Cop Killer is New Ferguson Hero

My article from the Oct. 14, 2014 issue of FrontPage magazine:

Would-be Cop Killer is New Ferguson Hero
By Matthew Vadum

More than two months after a black man was killed trying to wrest a handgun away from a white police officer, left-wing protesters continue to perpetrate acts of violence with relative impunity in and around Ferguson, Mo. where the incident happened.
Reports indicate 17 people were arrested during weekend demonstrations as activists geared up for even more violence and vandalism in the St. Louis suburb that has been under siege by cop-hating radicals more or less continuously since the Aug. 9 shooting death of Michael Brown.
Activists in Ferguson are also upset that a different 18-year-old black man was shot and killed in a separate incident last week by a police officer in the St. Louis area. VonDerrit Myers Jr. was shot dead in St. Louis City, reportedly after shooting at an officer three times during a chase. Myers was wearing a monitoring ankle bracelet as a condition of bail from a gun case months ago. After Myers’s death, activists reportedly broke windows, burned a U.S. flag, and attacked journalists.
Thousands of protesters converged on Ferguson over the weekend, according to reports. The out-of-state visitors included anti-war radicals left over from the Sixties, seminarians, college students, and fast food workers imported from Chicago, Nashville, and elsewhere.
Community organizers are also hard at work attempting to destabilize Ferguson and the surrounding region.

On the weekend, protesters were “attempting to storm” a business and were “throwing rocks at the police,” according to St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson.
Some activists have made it clear that they are willing to use force to get their way.
“We still are knee deep in this situation,” said rap artist and community organizer Tef Poe, whose real name is Kareem Jackson.
“We have not packed up our bags, we have not gone home,” said Poe. “This is not a fly-by-night moment. This is not a made-for-TV revolution. This is real people standing up to a real problem and saying, ‘We ain’t taking it no more.’”
Organizers of the “Ferguson October” protests falsely claim that blacks are routinely gunned down by white police officers. Their website states:

Our country can no longer deny the epidemic of police violence facing Black and Brown communities. Mike Brown is now part of a long list of people like John Crawford, Ezell Ford, Eric Garner, Oscar Grant and countless others who have been unjustly killed by police. Their lives mattered. Join Hands Up United, Organization for Black Struggle, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment and our partners in Ferguson from October 10-13th for a weekend of resistance. We’re hosting a series of public events—marches, convenings and panels— to build momentum for a nationwide movement against police violence.

But in reality these protests have little to do with justice for Brown, the 18-year-old shot in the August incident. Their purpose is to intimidate local authorities, including the grand jury that is sitting to decide if police officer Darren Wilson should be charged in the shooting of Michael Brown. Activists are demanding criminal charges against Wilson regardless of the evidence.
The grand jury is expected in coming weeks to determine if Wilson, a decorated white policeman, will face criminal charges for killing Brown, a young black man who reportedly attacked him minutes after robbing a convenience store. Ferguson has been plagued by violent demonstrations since the shooting. Hundreds of people, including individuals police call “outside agitators,” have been arrested in nearly continuous protests since Brown’s death.
Radical left-wing agitators billing themselves as civil rights activists promise more mayhem and deadly violence if the grand jury declines to indict Wilson in the shooting of Brown.
The politically correct lie that a helpless 6’4″ 292-lbs. Brown was shot in cold blood, arms raised while attempting to surrender to white Wilson, instead of the less convenient truth that Brown was beating the cop while reaching for his gun, is alive and well. In the minutes before the altercation with Wilson, Brown was captured on video bullying a much smaller East Indian shopkeeper during a robbery, an act that some might consider a hate crime.
These Ferguson demonstrations that have been blessed by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, help to reinforce President Obama’s narrative that America is a deeply, systemically racist nation that needs to be fundamentally transformed. They also help to put race relations in the spotlight weeks away from the midterm congressional elections in which Democrats appear poised to receive an electoral shellacking.
Obama and congressional Democrats are desperate and it shows. They need racial strife and resentment in order to rev up their voters. They see the prospect of hanging onto control of the U.S. Senate slipping away a little bit more each day. They have no achievements from recent years to speak of so they prefer to keep the talking heads of the mainstream media busy discussing make-believe problems such as income inequality, imaginary racism, the GOP’s alleged war on women, the name of the Washington Redskins football team, how global warming is more of a threat to the civilized world than the Islamic State, and how Republicans supposedly caused ebola outbreaks by not giving in to President Obama’s budgetary requests.
On Monday noted Marxist academic Cornel West was arrested in Ferguson.
He visited the city for propaganda purposes, specifically, to be taken into custody in front of TV cameras. 
“It’s a beautiful thing to see people on fire for justice, but I didn’t come here to give a speech,” West said Sunday evening. “I came here to go to jail.”
West, unlike most of his fellow protesters in Ferguson, is at least honest about his intentions.