Fresh from allowing the buffoonish Never Trumper Max Boot to humiliate himself the night before, Tucker Carlson mocked the mainstream media’s crazy obsession with Russia in his opening monologue last night.
We’ve gotten new details for you this evening on the Russian takeover of the U.S. government, the one you’ve been hearing about nonstop from every media outlet in America since Tuesday. Turns out it’s a little more complicated than CNN initially told you. Remember that Russian lawyer that Donald Trump Jr. met with last summer, the one you’ve been told is likely a Kremlin spy sent directly by Vladimir Putin himself? Well, it turns out the Obama administration let her in and not only let her in but took pains to make certain she got here. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch personally got involved in helping that lawyer come to the United States. Once here the lawyer slash spy slash diabolical hacker of democracy didn’t just meet with Donald Trump Jr., she also sat in on a congressional hearing, she lobbied on behalf of her government, she went to events around Washington, including a dinner attended by at least one member of Congress, who for the record, is not named Trump. In other words, the story is considerably more complex than you may have heard.
Tucker Carlson should be cloned.
This item by Matthew Vadum first appeared July 14, 2017, at Bombthrowers.