(language warning)
The leftist whackjob mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulin Cruz (D), is accusing President Donald Trump of “genocide” because his administration isn’t getting relief fast enough, or in sufficient quantity, or something, to the hurricane-stricken U.S. territory.
“Genocide,” according to one online source, “is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part. The hybrid word ‘genocide’ is a combination of the Greek word génos (‘race, people’) and the Latin suffix –cide (“act of killing”). The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as ‘acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.’”
So the mayor (her photo is above) is essentially calling Trump Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot. The claim is so crazy and tedious there is no need to refute it here. It is ridiculous on its face.
This is what Democrats do nowadays to get attention.
“I ask every American that has love, and not hate in their hearts, to stand with Puerto Rico and let this President know we WILL NOT BE LEFT TO DIE,” the mayor said to Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Illinois), asking him to spread her nutty notions around Capitol Hill.
“I ask the United Nations, UNICEF and the world to stand with the people of Puerto Rico and stop the genocide that will result from the lack of appropriate action of a President that just does not get it because he has been incapable of looking in our eyes and seeing the pride that burns fiercely in our hearts and souls,” she added.
The freakout came after President Trump stated obvious facts. “We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!” Trump said.
White House Chief of Staff John A. Kelly reinforced Trump’s message, telling a reporter at his inaugural West Wing press briefing, that the president specified that “the U.S. military and FEMA can’t be there forever.”
“The minute you go anywhere as a first responder — and this would apply, certainly, to the military — you are trying very hard, working very hard to work yourself out of a job,” said Kelly.
The mayor discussed her fights with Trump with USA Today.
“I don’t give a shit,” she said.
“This isn’t about me or politics. I’m not going to be the face you see out there just giving you a box of food for the photo op. I’m the face of the person who is going to make sure somebody gets that to you … so like the last scene of Gone With the Wind — ‘Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.’”
"Lo que es 'nasty' es que se de la espalda al pueblo puertorriqueño": alcaldesa de San Juan @CarmenYulinCruz pic.twitter.com/f0U92cln0F
— Al Punto Univision (@AlPunto) October 4, 2017
After Trump called her “nasty,” which she clearly is, the mayor went on TV with Trump-stalking open-borders fruitcake Jorge Ramos, wearing a tee shirt with NASTY in all capital letters.
Maybe she’s running for president.
This item first appeared at Bombthrowers on Oct. 13, 2017.