It is always entertaining watching politically correct left-wingers engaged in intramural disputes.

Denise Young Smith (pictured above), a black woman who became Apple’s vice president of diversity and inclusion six months ago, ran afoul of the Silicon Valley thought police when she spoke last month at the One Young World Summit in Bogota, Colombia.

What crime against humanity did Smith commit?

She embraced diversity. But it wasn’t the kind of diversity expected of her. She said that being a minority or female are not the only criteria for diversity.

“There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation,” Smith said in Colombia.

“Diversity is the human experience,” she said. “I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.”

“Her comments appeared to defend Apple’s overwhelmingly white and male leadership at a time when the company’s makeup is markedly uneven,” reports the New York Post.

“In 2017, only 3 percent of Apple’s leaders were black, and women held just 23 percent of tech jobs, according to Fortune. Female leadership stood at 29 percent, Apple said. ‘Meaningful change takes time,’ the company said in its diversity report. ‘We’re proud of our accomplishments, but we have much more work to do.’”

Okay, if you say so.

“The 20-year Apple veteran, who previously served as the company’s head of worldwide human resources, later apologized for her remarks, telling the staff that they ‘were not representative of how I think about diversity or how Apple sees it.’”

Smith, who will be out of a job at the end of the year, was made to denounce herself. She begged company staff for forgiveness in a company-wide email, saying her comments “were not representative of how I think about diversity or how Apple sees it.”

“For that, I’m sorry,” she said. “More importantly, I want to assure you Apple’s view and our dedication to diversity has not changed.”

Whatever that means.

This is, of course, insanity. It also marks what will probably be the downward slide of Apple. Any company that puts employees’ genitalia and skin color ahead of making a quality product is doomed to fail.

The revolution, they say, eats its own.

This item first appeared at Bombthrowers on Nov. 18, 2017.