Criminal charges for the British spy of dossier infamy? Senators want former MI6 spook charged with lying to the FBI

The freelancing foreign spy who concocted the discredited Fusion GPS dossier to undermine President Trump may soon get his comeuppance now that senators are demanding a criminal investigation into his 2016 election shenanigans.

The criminal referral comes as Michael Wolff’s gossipy book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, debuts as a bestseller, causing outrage and consternation in the nation’s capital. Wolff admits he cannot vouch for the accuracy of much of the book in which he makes incredible claims. Wolff said in an interview that “100 percent of the people around” Trump, “senior advisers, family members, every single one of them, questions his intelligence and fitness for office.” Trump himself tweeted the book is “full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don’t exist” and accused Wolff of using his former White House chief strategist, whom the president derided as “Sloppy Steve Bannon,” to promote sales of the book.

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and committee member Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have reportedly asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate former British spy Christopher Steele for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The request came in a letter that no media outlets appear yet to have published.

Amazingly enough, the usually timid Republicans on Capitol Hill are finally fighting back against the left-wing Deep State cabal that has been trying to take down President Trump since before he was even elected. The Washington Post correctly observes that the move “marks a major escalation in conservatives’ challenges to the FBI’s credibility as the agency investigates whether any Trump associates committed crimes.”

One of the more laughable claims in the un-vetted document dump that was paid for by the Democratic Party, and which is largely based on Kremlin-supplied information, unsourced evidence, and rumors, was that Donald Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed. Another claim is that Russians tried, but failed, to bribe the man who later became the 45th U.S. president.

Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel has called the dossier a joke, saying  “we do a disservice when we even refer to it as a ‘dossier.’ That gives it too much mystique. This is an oppo research document but of lower quality than even oppo research documents.”

The dossier promoters were “particularly clever,” Strassel noted. “They didn’t give it to the press, they sent it to the FBI and then they briefed the press, and then the press was able to claim that this was intelligence that the FBI possessed, which gave it some air of credibility.”

Although Steele, purportedly a Russia expert, may have once worked for MI6, this guy is no James Bond; he’s more like Rowan Atkinson’s bumbling Johnny English character. And the more we learn about his handiwork, the more it seems like Steele was hired as a character assassin, ordered to find ties between Trump and Russia, no matter how flimsy.

Steele put together the salacious, 35-page report commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for. The dossier was published by cat-video gossip website BuzzFeed which admitted it is rife with errors. BuzzFeed’s editor-in-chief is former Politico reporter Ben Smith, a left-winger who spent much of the Obama era covering for Democrats.

The dossier was reportedly used by the FBI in court applications for wiretaps, and is just one of many outrageous dirty tricks by Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 election cycle. Clinton also personally authorized the illicit efforts of socialist felon Bob Creamer and organizer Scott Foval who fomented violence at Trump campaign rallies, as James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas group revealed in undercover videos. The idea was make it look like left-wingers, who, apart from Islamists, commit almost all political violence in America, look like innocent victims as Trump supporters responded to their physical provocations.

Fusion GPS co-founders Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch, both of whom claim to have been journalists once, are adopting an aggressive offense-defense.

In a New York Times op-ed last week they claimed improbably to be victims of a Republican witch hunt. Lawmakers, they write, “in the thrall of the president continue to wage a cynical campaign to portray us as the unwitting victims of Kremlin disinformation.”

They stated that they “found widespread evidence that Mr. Trump and his organization had worked with a wide array of dubious Russians in arrangements that often raised questions about money laundering.”

Note the careful wording there, littered as it is with journalistic weasel words. They don’t accuse Trump of money laundering, just of having something to do with people who may or may not be involved in money laundering. This is how reporters smear those they don’t like.

This is also how they overthrow a duly elected president they despise.