Socialist Lee J. Carter on the ballot for Virginia House of Delegates

It’s no secret that socialists have infiltrated the Democratic Party.

One of them is former U.S. Marine and self-described socialist Lee J. Carter who on June 13 was unopposed for the Democrat nomination for District 50 of the Virginia House of Delegates. Carter is a member of the Marxist group, Democratic Socialists of America, Bombthrowers contributor Renee Nal writes at

DSA held a fundraising event on Oct. 3 to help Carter’s campaign.

The general election is today.

Carter complains Virginia’s Democrat machine hasn’t done much to help him. “The state party’s resources are stretched thin,” he told Politico.

The newspaper reports:

But the local chapter of the DSA has made Carter’s race a priority. Once it endorsed his campaign, the group started mobilizing its members to canvas Carter’s district on his behalf. “We’ve managed to knock on tens of thousands of doors,” says Carter.

Carter isn’t emphasizing his radicalism. On his campaign website, his socialist views aren’t even mentioned. The “About Lee” page states:

He is an active member of the Manassas City Democratic Committee, and spends much of his time working as a community organizer and activist — particularly in the areas of affordable housing and worker protections. He is also a graduate of the Sorensen Institute of Political Leadership [at the University of Virginia].

Carter is just one of many stealth socialists in the Democratic Party.

This item by Matthew Vadum first appeared at Bombthrowers on Nov. 7, 2017.