Radicals’ Plans for GOP Convention Not Dampened

My article from the August 28, 2012, issue of Front Page Magazine:

Radicals’ Plans for GOP Convention Not Dampened

By Matthew Vadum
Dangerous, violent, left-wing radicals don’t seem to be backing down from their plans to shut down the Republican national convention in Tampa Bay even as an increasingly dangerous, violent tropical storm bears down on Florida.
A protester has already been arrested at the convention for carrying a large machete strapped to his leg. Jason T. Wilson of Tallahassee was taken into custody while walking on the convention grounds. Police say Wilson refused to stop when asked and was physically restrained when he resisted arrest.
The Left is pursuing a two-pronged strategy aimed at preventing Republicans from getting their message to the American people. Both the protesters, who are drawn largely from the ranks of the violent communist-anarchist Occupy Wall Street movement, and President Obama’s reelection campaign are now planning to interfere with the Republican convention. The former will use physical force; the latter, the media.
Protest leaders and hackers say the mischief and mayhem they’ve planned will proceed even though Republican organizers have compressed the convention schedule because of the storm. Activists and union members shipped in to Florida plan not only to disrupt the GOP mass meeting at which former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will be formally nominated for the presidency but also to shut down emergency services in Tampa.
Brandon Darby, a former community organizer, says anarchist Lisa Fithian, who led the union goons and anarchists who rioted during the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle, is at the forefront of the current anti-Republican protests.
Led by Fithian, demonstrators intend to throw bricks through windows, slash tires on buses, and throw bleach and urine at delegates, said Darby, an ex-leftist despised by radicals for undermining a left-wing conspiracy to bomb the 2008 Republican national convention in Minnesota.
All of this is really happening, Darby said. “They’re trying to shut down the communications structure for the city for law enforcement and emergency medical personnel.”
With these leftists, “[i]t’s not like a bunch of people are going to show up and talk on their cell phones. They have some massive computer equipment and their goal is to shut us down.”
Senior Democrats intend to complement the activists’ efforts.
Although both the Republican and Democratic parties have long refrained from trying to grab the media spotlight while the other is conducting its nominating convention, this coming week President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and an army of Democratic surrogates are scheduled to visit the Sunshine State in order to undermine Republicans’ message. While high-profile Democrats blanket the state, the Obama administration’s OWS allies will do their best to harass and interfere with Republican delegates attempting to do their civic duty.
Remember that OWS activists –unlike Tea Party activists— have committed rape, robbery, assault, arson, and countless other crimes. When they say they’re going to cause trouble, they mean it.
Even worse, Occupy Wall Street bears a seal of approval from President Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who have never condemned the Occupiers for their misdeeds. The three political leaders have done nothing but praise the radical activists who want to destroy America.
Of course the OWS activists do not believe in free speech for those who disagree with them so it makes perfect sense that they want to prevent a documentary called Occupy Unmaskedfrom airing at the GOP convention.
After boasting that they had commandeered various relevant Internet domain names and “every bit of social media associated” with the documentary, the OWS-linked hackers known as Anonymous threatened Breitbart.com-affiliated bloggers Brandon Darby and Lee Stranahan by name. During the convention Anonymous has promised to “be busy legitimately raping” Darby and Stranhan, who appear in the film directed by Stephen K. Bannon.
The rape taunt is a mocking reference to Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin’s now-infamous “legitimate rape” uber-gaffe that desperate left-wingers are now claiming inadvertently revealed Republicans’ supposed misogyny. And as Breitbart.com editor Alexander Marlow warns, “given Occupy’s record on rapes it would be a mistake not to take the threats seriously.”
Protest leaders have also been putting a lot of effort into bullying Tampa authorities.
“Their ACLU lawyers have been ‘in negotiation’ with Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and the city council for several months, demanding permits, demanding special restraints on the police, and threatening lawsuits if they don’t get their way,” Florida-based Tina Trent reports at Accuracy In Media.
The radicals literally have a George Soros-funded playbook explaining how to frustrate police efforts to maintain order during anti-Republican demonstrations, Trent adds. The report, “Rights and Wrongs at the RNC,” explains how leftists can use financial and legal pressure to intimidate cities into allowing protesters to run wild.
“Municipalities that dare to host economic summits or try to rein in illegal Occupy encampments find themselves, and especially their police, virtually held hostage by the media strategies and legal actions detailed throughout the manual,” she writes.
We’ll see soon enough what impact the radicals will have on the Republican convention and the presidential contest.