US voter survey: 64% say transgenderism is unhealthy; 72% don’t want children taught about sexual identity

Despite pressure from the media to accept transgenderism, almost two-thirds of American voters believe it is not a healthy human condition, and more than 7 out of 10 believe elementary-age children should not be taught about sexual identity and sexual behavior, according to a new national poll.

The survey by McLaughlin and Associates, which was commissioned by Summit Ministries of Manitou Springs, Colorado, whose website is, was conducted online with 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide and was carried out from April 22 through April 26. The poll is considered to have a margin of error of about 3.1 percent at a 95 percent confidence interval.

According to the poll, 64 percent of U.S. voters who have an opinion about the issue do not believe transgenderism is a healthy human condition. By contrast, 36 percent of voters who have an opinion about the issue believe transgenderism is a healthy human condition.

The survey also found that 34 percent stay silent on the issue so they don’t offend others, but 30 percent are willing to speak out.

Summit president Dr. Jeff Myers said the poll results are enlightening.

“Everywhere Americans look, the media and education culture is bombarding us with relentless, daily messages in support of Transgenderism without limits. Despite this intensity, these stunning numbers show plainly that the vast majority of Americans aren’t buying what they’re being sold. A huge majority of Americans–for example–don’t think this issue belongs anywhere near our kids,” Myers said in a statement.

“Yet, we also see a powerful chilling effect that this propaganda is having on society, as this research shows that tens and tens of millions disagree with what they see but are afraid to say anything about their views. We trust this poll will spark all-important conversations so we can properly address these issues as a nation.”

There were areas where poll respondents were more unified in their opinions.

The survey found that 93 percent of voters who have an opinion on the issue believe it is possible to distinguish between men and women; 7 percent of voters with an opinion don’t believe it is possible to distinguish between men and women.

The poll determined that 90 percent of voters who have an opinion on the issue say minors should be made to wait until they are legal adults before undergoing permanent gender alteration; 10 percent of voters with an opinion say minors should be encouraged to undergo permanent gender alteration.

The survey revealed that 90 percent of voters who have an opinion on the issue believe that medical professionals performing gender-altering procedures should be required by law to disclose the common, long-term medical and psychological impact of such procedures; 10 percent of voters with an opinion believe that medical professionals performing gender-altering procedures should not be required by law to disclose the impact of such procedures.

Most voters don’t want young children to be taught about sexual behavior and gender ideology.

Of respondents to the poll, 72 percent of voters who have an opinion on the issue do not believe schools should teach about sexual identity and sexual behavior with elementary-age children. Specifically, 42 percent believe such teaching is inappropriate in a school setting, and 30 percent believe it is dangerous and could lead to children being groomed for sexual encounters at a young age.

The survey also found that 28 percent of voters with an opinion on the issue believe teaching young children about sexual behavior and gender ideology is a perfectly appropriate use of instruction time.

The Summit survey came a week after a separate survey by the American Principles Project found that 56 percent of voters in swing states were in favor of banning cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and physical sex-change surgeries for children under the age of 18 who identify as transgender, as The Epoch Times previously reported.

This article by Matthew Vadum appeared May 20, 2022, in The Epoch Times.