Smearing Patriots Like Pamela Geller Is Just Another Day At The Office At The Southern Poverty Law Center

(originally posted at NewsReal blog) Jeff Dunetz detailed the repulsive, malicious, counterfactual attack on the prolific blogger Pamela Geller by the character assassins at the fundraising firm and phony watchdog group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center. I’ve been studying the megabucks slime factory for years. Among many other things, the SPLC is effectively pro-Islamic terrorism. Why else would it consider the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), upon which it bases its attack on Geller, to be credible and trustworthy? Something’s going on there that neither group is talking about. The SPLC argues that opposition to totalitarian … Continue reading Smearing Patriots Like Pamela Geller Is Just Another Day At The Office At The Southern Poverty Law Center